Easy, no dependency on friends/family, no frills, no waste gender reveal idea.
So now you have a perfectly packed gender revel box, which you can open on a video call with family or at a special gender revel party for family/friends.
I would like to share today, an easy, no dependency, no frills, no waste gender reveal idea.
You will be planning this out after the scan that informs you of the gender of your baby (mostly 16 week scan). Request your doctor to write the gender on a paper and put it in an envelope, instead of telling it to you. I carried my own envelope with a paper in it so it would be convenient for my doctor. It was a unique color paper(orange), you will see it helps later.
Here's where it gets a tad bit complicated.
After the appointment, you need to make a trip to a kids store. Pick a girl outfit and a boy outfit of your choice. Now the only person you will have to depend on is the person at the checkout counter. Let her/him know that you are planning a gender reveal gift for yourself and need a favor from her/him. Explain that the envelope has the gender of your baby; you will leave the envelope with her/him and stroll around the store so s/he can pack the outfit depending on the gender written on the envelope, and it remains a secret from you that way. The lady that checked us out was very happy to do so, in-fact she was more excited for us than we were. I know a few of you will feel how can you trust this person will not trick you by switching the gender, that's when the unique color paper tip comes in handy. Make sure you collect the envelop with the written chit in side. If you can give a neutral/fancy box to pack your outfit as some plastic bags are see through. It helps when you have an opaque box that does not show what is inside. Also you can decorate the box later to make it party/gender reveal ready. You get such boxes in holiday season in Dollar Tree, throughout the year in Ikea and Amazon.
You will have to be sincere and patient and not peek when the cashier is packing your outfit, and also don't look in the bill what was added.
So now you have a perfectly packed gender reveal box, which you can open on a video call with family or at a special gender reveal party for family/friends. I had a paper bag style box, and just added a bow on top to look like a gift (not documented in the pics, it was removed first as it was coming in the way of opening the gift). We were going to India in my 5th month of pregnancy so we had a small party on New Years eve with both set of parents and siblings where we opened the gift.
Lastly, the reason I say it a no-waste idea because obviously you can use this outfit for your child. It's probably going to be the first outfit you bought for your kid, and will be documented in the pics you take during gender reveal.
If you are planning to have a gender reveal party I would love to know what you are planning. And if you are planning to use this idea I would be pleased to know how it panned out. All the best :)